Biodiversity: our strongest natural defense against climate change

Biological diversity or biodiversity – describes the variety of life on Earth, in all its forms, from genes
and bacteria to entire ecosystems such as forests or coral reefs. Biodiversity forms the web of life
that we depend on for so many things – food, water, medicine, economic growth and among others
a stable climate.

Initiated by Michael, who is the founder of ORTOLANdschaftspflege, an association for ecological conservation, we got together as a group of students and young adults and decided to support the biodiversity in front of our doorsteps in Lower Austria. In addition to revitalizing unique dry grasslands on the southern slope of an area called Spatzenberg, we also implement nature conservation measures at the winery of the Tiefenböck-Flecher family.

After close observation of the land and permission from the landowner, we could get started. The first thing we did was to learn as much as possible about the current level of biodiversity in the area as well as find out how the land had been used over time. With this background we developed a management plan with several nature conservation measures. We removed bushes and mowed large parts of the land. We hung numerous nesting aids and created special structures (e.g. deadwood piles and stone bars).

Our main aim was and is to foster the existing biodiversity and allow many more different plant and animal species to thrive in this unique habitat. In the picture gallery you can see a few of the species that benefit highly from our conservation measures.

The vineyard landscape of the Krems valley was for centuries characterized by sustainable and nature-friendly management. As a result, various structures such as old tree rows, flower-rich areas and stone walls can be found till today. But agricultural intensification has not stopped at this valuable cultural landscape either.

To counteract this trend, we conduct conservation measures in the vineyards of the Tiefenböck-Flecher winery. Our goal is to restructure the vineyard landscape with hedges, fruit trees, flowering hems, understory plantings and piles for the endangered Green lizard. Our measures not only address nature conservation, but also increase resilience to climate change for the agriculture and the landscape.

We enjoy being in nature together and will continue this work also in the future. If you would like to join us, just contact us. But in general: Get active for nature conservation and climate protection, there is no better way than working together for a green and livable future!